Friday, April 27, 2007

#12 Guest-Amy Sedaris

Amy Sedaris is a woman of the world. She's an actress, comedian, writer, baker and lives in NYC with her pet bunny Dusty. Go check out her new book-I Like You.

1. What is your favorite color?
I like a lot of colors. I really like pink-but I love all shades of green.

2. Who is your favorite artist?
This is a tough question. I couldn't possibly pick one out-especially when there are so many different kinds. I like artists-period. Every kind.

3. If you were a painting, which one would you be? Why?
If I were a painting, I would be an unframed one-I don't like limitations.


RedPita said...

Holy moley.


How do you know Amy Sedaris? Are you friends? Is she a blog reader? Is she reading this -now-?

I am actually a fan.. this is so awesome.

Will come back later to comment again when I can think straight.

kristen said...

How did you get miss Sedaris to answer these, you've been holding out on us sister. Seriously. Wow.

JC said...

Oh. my. Gah. I love Amy Sedaris. Last week I just rented the Strangers With Candy movie DVD so I could listen to the commentary. I saw the movie in the theater last summer, I had been waiting years for that things to come out!

hollibobolli said...

I love Amy Sedaris - and I feel so much better that I'm not the only person that couldn't answer this question, narrowing a favorite painter down to only one. It's just not... possible.

Pink and green - oh yes. yes yes yes.

Maggie said...

are you going to answer ritapita's questions? cause, not to be pushy, but i wanna know!

paintergirl said...

ok to answer rita's questions

I wrote (meaning snail mail) to her and asked her.

We are not friends.

She is not a computer girl, so I don't know if she will ever see it.

Margaret said...

who care if she sees it, I saw it

Stepping Over the Junk said...
